[i18n] patch for translation.php (solving "translation.php wipes out messages")

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Fri Sep 12 12:47:53 PDT 2003

Hi all

With the last message from Jan asking me the output of xgettext --help,
I was in the loop of "Everything is supposed to be ok, why doesn't it
work ?"...

So I finally decide to check how translation.php was working (with the
message from Jan in mind...). (As some of you may know), translation.php
puts the result of the command "xgettext --help" in a variable, and
checks if the string "PHP" is in that result to see if the php_support
of xgettext is enabled.

The main problem: it seems that nobody took care of updating the french
result of "xgettext --help" for gettext-0.12 .... as a result, nothing
mentions that PHP is one of the languages supported (I didn't check for
other languages, but it seems that our friend Ivan Norris has the same
problem in slovak).

So, since Jan told us that xgettext supports php by default in
gettext-0.12, that's what I used to check if php was supported or not. 

My first horde patch ! :-)
Benoit St-André 
ben at benoitst-andre.net http://benoitst-andre.net
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-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pi??ce jointe non texte a ??t?? nettoy??e...
Nom: translation.php.diff
Type: text/x-patch
Taille: 339 octets
Desc: non disponible
Url: http://lists.horde.org/archives/i18n/attachments/20030912/11444e48/translation.php.bin

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