[i18n] Just want to contribute translating IMP

Ignacio Agulló agullo at ati.es
Mon Nov 10 02:23:15 PST 2003

     Hi everybody.  I just decided that it would be nice to have IMP
translated into galician.  Galician (gl) is a language spoken by 2.5
million people in the northwest of Spain.  After visiting www.horde.org
I found that this language was still not present in IMPs last

     I just thought I could contribute to translate IMP to this
language, but I couldn't find how.  The FAQ contains precise
instructions on how to access the files... but only after installing
Horde, which is something I just happen not to want to do (sorry). 
Also, I couldn't find any way to contact throughout the website but the
lists - it appears not to exist a coordinator for translations. 
Suscribing to a list is something I always find discouraging as I (like
many of you I suppose) am already suscribed to many lists and have too
much mail for reading.

     ¿Is there a simple way to retrieve the language files and then send
the translation back?

|                            Ignacio Agulló                            |
|                           ignacio en agullo.tk                          |
|                             www.agullo.tk                            |

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