[i18n] strings untranslated in HTML composition

Benoit St-Andre ben at benoitst-andre.net
Thu Mar 4 13:34:06 PST 2004

Hi everyone...

I've translated all the strings in the fr_FR.po from Horde, and compiled the 
po with the translation.php tool...

However, most of the strings in htmlarea.js are not being taken care of by 
php, even if they are well translated in the po file.

I looked in the .js file and the strings seem to be echoed ok with the gettext 
method. There seems to be a "lang" directory for the htmlarea (is it used 
anymore), but the strings are already translated in that file.

In a nutshell, I don't understand what's going on :-)

Anybody having the same problem ?
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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