[i18n] Translation problems (translation present but not used)

Ivan Noris noris at bgs.sk
Sun May 9 15:47:42 PDT 2004

Hello Ben,

> My first problem is that some of the translations don't seem to work.


I've the same problem while translating Horde apps, and now I have the same
problem while translating some GNOME applications. It seems that the system
caches old translations, while some processes still use them.

You may need to stop and start Apache, maybe close and open your browser, i.e.
anything that may use the .mo file.
Also, I've noticed, the things get sometimes better by removing .mo file,
trying the translation (i.e. running the browser, you should see untranslated
strings) and install updated .mo file again.

I don't really know, what is causing this problem. Sometimes my translations
work like a charm, sometimes I see "cached" translations :(((

All tests made on Mandrake 9.1.


  Ing. Ivan Noris
  System engineer, Business Global Systems, a.s.
  info & public key: http://www.bgs.sk/people/noris
  "Semper cautus - semper paratus - semper idem Vix." 

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