[i18n] Marathi(mr_IN) localization of Horde

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue May 25 03:22:53 PDT 2004

Zitat von Indictrans Team <indictrans at fastmail.fm>:

>   Now about overselves.We are a small voluntary team working towards
>   localizing GNU/Linux in Indian Languages for bridging the digital
>   divide  (please see www.indictrans.org).We also have a Live CD based on
>   morphix (gnubhaaratii), in 3 indian languages and english.We wish to
>   add preconfigured horde with Indian language interface to the Live CD.
>   we are right now working on localizing horde and all of its major
>   components in Indian Languages , Marathi to start with.We have

Great news!

>   translated major po files (horde,imp,turba,nag,kronolith).We have also
>   set up horde with all these components on Suse9.0 installtion.I do feel
>   the need to have a good installtion & configuration HowTo from my
>   experience of installing and configuring it.
>   So after installing and configuring horde, we followed instructions to
>   add new translations to horde.I added my locale name,charset etc. in
>   lang.php,added po files in po directory and then did make install.Now
>   the horde language menu shows Marathi and on selecting Marathi the
>   initial interface (i.e.text like login,password etc.) is seen in
>   Marathi.But on logging in everything appears in English though all the
>   necessary files have been translated and integrated.
>   Is there anything else required to be done to see entire horde in your
>   language?I would also like to point out that when I selected any other
>   language (say fr_FR),except initial login screen, everything else
>   appeared in English.We are quite familiar with gettext and co-ordinate
>   GNOME Marathi and KDE Marathi.Please guide me on this.

Do the translations work if you explicitely set your preferred language in
the user options? If not, did you follow the steps in docs/TRANSLATIONS to
find out where the translations fail?


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?

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