[i18n] Language-Settings does not work

Steffen Boehme Steffen at boemm.de
Tue Jun 1 15:51:17 PDT 2004


I have a little problem with my fresh installed version of the horde 
framework with turba and imp ...

The versions are:

horde: 2.2.3
imp: 3.2.2
turba: 1.2

I use a debian woody-system, on which a installed the above packages to 
use with a apache 1.3.29 and php 4.3.4.

The language in the imp-login-dialog and also the language-selection in 
the horde-preferences and in the imp-preferences are all set to my 
foreign language: German, but no Menu-Text or Field or somthing other 
appears in german language.
I have also tried another language such as france, but this also dont work.

Now i don't have any idea, why this problem occours ... have i to 
install the languages seperate or hav i to make some changes in the 
configuration-files to make the language-selection work?

Thank you for help


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