[i18n] French Translation for rakim module

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Wed Oct 13 10:05:58 PDT 2004

Aldric Feuillebois a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've already translate a rakim/po/fr_FR.po from rakim/po/rakim.pot
> Compilation with file po/translation.php with 
> #php -f translation.php make
> I used php-4.3.9 working correctly with horde with all needed modules.
> During building, a warning appears for gettext version to old. Here is copy of the warning message :
> gettext version: 0.11.5
> Warning: Your gettext version is too old and does not support PHP natively.
> Not all strings will be extracted.
> Building ends correctly and reports no errors with the file fr_FR.po in the rakim module.
> Unfortunately, despite setting "French" in the horde login screen, the file rakim/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/rakim.mo 
> doesn't seem to be used. rakim.mo and subdir are correctly create by translation.php.
> To date, i use a working copy of horde 3 by cvs (udpated daily).
> Rakim module works correctly too (in english only of course !!).
> Thanks for your reply.
> Aldric
> PS for Jan : Can i copy my file on the mailing list or do you prefer i send it to you directly ?

You have to read po/README correctly

-if you want all to go well, you can update your gettext like the 
warning says to 0.12 or higher.
-follow what po/README says, especially "First time use of 
translation.php" and "Updating translations". You can update the 
translation, since all the strings may not be in the .pot file.
-send us back the fr_FR.po file to the list, or post the link here to a 
web site where you can put it.
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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