[i18n] Re: Correcting UI in RTL languages

persian-horde at metanetworking.com persian-horde at metanetworking.com
Wed Apr 20 18:39:04 PDT 2005

>>> First of all, I completely support the effort to make IMP and indeed
>>> all of Horde more RTL friendly. However, I'd prefer a different
>>> approach. I'd like to see different themes for RTL languages (or
>>> modifications of existing themes, like bluewhite-rtl). We should be
>>> able to achieve most modifications simply be changing text-align and
>>> float: styles. This will require patches to the IMP display code (and
>>> other parts of Horde), to use the right classes or to use the right
>>> markup to be controllable, but it'll avoid inserting lots of if ()
>>> statements into the code.
>>> -chuck

> That's exactly what Chuck was suggesting.
> Jan.

Hello all,
thanks from chuck and Jan for their replies,
At the first step of correcting RTL appearance, we created a new theme
(based on bluewhite theme)  and named it “True RTL”.
In our new theme,  we inserted 2 classes  that styles of them defined as

.rtlalign_left  {
.rtlalign_right”  {

In the second step, we fixed rtl problems just in  “compose”
and  “search”  pages of IMP4 as a test by using from one of these classes
in “<td” tags (just in “td” tags that had alignment problem in rtl) . But
in some cases, we couldn’t use from above classes, because there was a
defined class in them. In these cases we used from “id” attribute, e.g.

<td class=”item” id=”rtlleft1” 

And in our theme, we inserted some lines such as  following

#rtlleft1,#rtlleft2,#rtlleft3 {

#rtlright1,#rtlright2,#rtlright3 {

Using from sequence of “id”es like “rtlleft1”,”rtlleft2”,

or “rtlright1”,rtlright2”,
  were inevitable for two reason,

First text-alignment of some classes (like “item” class) couldn’t define
statically in rtl direction.
Second, we couldn’t use from one specific “id” in a html page more than one

Now we want to know, is this (way of fixing rtl problems) OK for core team?

Our new theme and changed files for “compose” and “search” pages like
header.inc, main.inc, fields.inc, search.php and compose.inc are available
in following address

Excuse us for this long mail.

With Thanks and Regards
Persian-Horde Team

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