[i18n] Re: Correcting UI in RTL languages

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Apr 20 09:01:24 PDT 2005

Zitat von persian-horde at metanetworking.com:

>>>> First of all, I completely support the effort to make IMP and indeed
>>>> all of Horde more RTL friendly. However, I'd prefer a different
>>>> approach. I'd like to see different themes for RTL languages (or
>>>> modifications of existing themes, like bluewhite-rtl). We should be
>>>> able to achieve most modifications simply be changing text-align and
>>>> float: styles. This will require patches to the IMP display code (and
>>>> other parts of Horde), to use the right classes or to use the right
>>>> markup to be controllable, but it'll avoid inserting lots of if ()
>>>> statements into the code.
>>>> -chuck
>> That's exactly what Chuck was suggesting.
>> Jan.
> Hello all,
> thanks from chuck and Jan for their replies,
> At the first step of correcting RTL appearance, we created a new theme
> (based on bluewhite theme)  and named it “True RTL”.
> In our new theme,  we inserted 2 classes  that styles of them defined as
> follow:
> .rtlalign_left  {
>       text-align:left;
> }
> .rtlalign_right”  {
>        text-align:right;
> }

I would prefer a shorter name like "alignLeft" or "leftAlign" that uses 
"text-align: left;" in the main screen.css and "text-align: right;" in 
your theme.

> In the second step, we fixed rtl problems just in  “compose”
> and  “search”  pages of IMP4 as a test by using from one of these classes
> in “<td” tags (just in “td” tags that had alignment problem in rtl) . But
> in some cases, we couldn’t use from above classes, because there was a
> defined class in them. In these cases we used from “id” attribute, e.g.
> <td class=”item” id=”rtlleft1” 

That's not necessary. You can do:
<td class=”item alignLeft” Jan.

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