[i18n] another problems in RTL UI

persian-horde at metanetworking.com persian-horde at metanetworking.com
Sat Apr 23 19:58:22 PDT 2005

Hello all

We continued correcting of  rtl UI  and  we added 2 new classes to our
Now we have 4 classes, that must  add to main screen.css of Horde and IMP
as follow:

.leftAlign {
      text-align: left;
.rightAlign {
.rightFloat {
      float: right;
.leftFloat {

and these classes define in our theme (True RTL) as follow:

.leftAlign {
      text-align: right;
.rightAlign {
.rightFloat {
      float: left;
.leftFloat {             /* For example, we used from leftFloat class in
begin.inc */

There were another problems that couldn’t be solved with using of these 4
3 of them are here:

1- when a language is RTL, most (not all, and this is our problem in item
2) of field’s direction, automatically set to rtl , but some fields in
every language must be in ltr direction permanently (like mail address of
sender or receiver or some of  ComboBoxes like character-set ComboBox
in ‘compose’ page), because just in ltr direction they have more friendlier
view for users. for solving of this type of  problems, we defined a new
class as follow (just in our theme):

.LeftDIR {
      Direction: ltr;

2- when a language is rtl, in some pages, labels have wrong directions and
this make them unreadable, like description labels of preferences in horde
or imp ‘preferences’ pages, because in rtl language they have ltr
directions. for solving of this type of problems we used of a new class as
follow (just in our theme) :

.RightDIR {
      Direction: rtl;

(* For example, we changed overview.inc, in this way)

3- in login page our theme couldn’t be load, is it acceptable to use of php
code for changing alignment in login page (like the code that we talked
about it in previous mails):

 <?php echo (isset($nls['rtl'][$language]) ? 'right' : 'left') ?>

We completed changing of  ‘compose’, ‘search’, ‘preferences’ and ‘mail-box’
in this way.

Please send your opinion about 3 above problems.

With thanks and Regards
Persian-Horde Team

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