[i18n] locale-based sort, new suggestion
persian-horde at metanetworking.com
Mon May 9 22:08:09 PDT 2005
Hello All,
About locale-based sort problem, we did some research and reached some good
IMP uses php imap_sort function to sort messages by subject, date, size,
etc. Although since php 4.3.3
a charset argument is added but this function is not yet support
So sorting of many locales such as fa_IR,etc is not done correctly.
PHP developers say that imap_sort uses from IMAP c-client library for
sorting, and the c-client guys
say that they are working on localization, but this feature will not be
available in near future: http://mailman1.u.washington.edu/pipermail/imap-
Before a locale-aware sort function would be ready for imap_sort in c-
client, the following php function could be used instead, as written in
imap_sort notes in php web site: http://www.php.net/imap_sort#52640
function imap_locale_sort($stream,$criteria,$reverse,$locale,$options)
if ($criteria!=SORTSUBJECT)
return (imap_sort($stream,$criteria,$reverse,$options));
$unsorted = array();
$sortresult = array();
$overview = imap_fetch_overview($stream,"1:$MN",0);
while( list($key,$val) = each($overview))
usort ($unsorted, create_function('$a,$b','setlocale
(LC_ALL,$locale);return strcoll($a["subject"],$b["subject"]);'));
for ($m=0;$m<count($unsorted);$m++)
if ($reverse)
$sortresult = array_reverse($sortresult);
return $sortresult;
We suggest adding this function to one of IMP LIBs, and sending $GLOBALS
["language"] as the locale parameter
for this function. This way all locales would get a correct sort result.
Current code:[IMAP 4]
$cmd = array($imp['stream'], $this->_sortby, $sortdir, SE_UID);
if (!$this->_usepop && $this->_delhide) {
$cmd[] = 'UNDELETED';
$sorted = @call_user_func_array('imap_sort', $cmd);
Locale-aware code:(new)
$cmd = array($imp['stream'], $this->_sortby, $sortdir, $GLOBALS
if (!$this->_usepop && $this->_delhide) {
$cmd[] = 'UNDELETED';
$sorted = @call_user_func_array('imap_locale_sort', $cmd);
its good to note that the correct sorting is one of the essential aspects
of internationalization, so better to fix this in a good way.
Persian-Horde Team
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