[i18n] New patch for rtl theme and changes in

persian-horde@metanetworking.com persian-horde at metanetworking.com
Sat May 21 21:03:49 PDT 2005

Hello Jan

>> We add direction setting to body tag in rtl theme and now you can omit
>> rtl setting in application's common-header.inc files, but in this case
>> it inecessary that rtl theme be default theme for any rtl language and
>> this problem must be solved with HOOK (as you said in your mails) but
>> there isnÂ’t any hook for it now.
> I recently added code to CVS HEAD that changes the theme when switching
>  to a RTL language.

Our horde authentication is 'imp-based' and now in imp login page if you
choose a rtl language, rtl theme don't load automatically. Please change
this part of code too.

> Please include diffs to remove the direction styles from all
> common-header.inc files into this patch.
> Jan.

New patch is in attachment

With thanks and Regards

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