[i18n] Correcting forward & vacation menu floating in RTL

persian-horde@metanetworking.com persian-horde at metanetworking.com
Sun Jun 12 20:44:17 PDT 2005

Hi chuck

>> Menu elements In Head version of forwards and vacation tools don't
>> have correct floating in rtl.
> Why don't you just add:
> #menu li {
>    float: right;
> }
> in themes/rtl/screen.css? These changes make no sense and are adding
> unnecessary markup to every single application.
> -chuck

Because we have tested this before, but if you insert '#menu li' to
rtl/screen.css you will see very bad and surprizing effects in menue
elements like disappearing them !!!.
The previous patch is only way that have correct effects in Mozilla and IE.

With thanks

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