[i18n] How to adapt help.xml files

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Wed Jul 26 09:26:56 PDT 2006


I had written:
> - Can I point to further reading, such as our FAQ
>   or our terms of service (both available via HTTP)?
> - What tags are possible, and what is their respective
>   syntax and meaning?
>   Apparently, <cite> is without effect.

Jan Schneider has written:
> you can grab the available tags from looking at the source code of 
> lib/Horde/Help.php.

I see: "the code itself is the documentation" ;-)

So, I have grabbed the available tags, and their respective attributes,
see below.

However, I had also asked:
> - Which HTML entities can I use?
>   Apparently, "&nbsp;" will break the help system,
>   whilst "&quot;" is used, extensively.

What about entities and numerical character references, then?
I have found that the character data is fed through
htmlspecialchars, cf.
so I wonder why "&quot;" does work, at all, and is not
transformed to "&amp;quot;".

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

------------ Rudimentary Help.xml documentation --------------

The Possible Tags

    Nesting | Tag                    | meaning
    Level   |           | Attributes |
       0    | <help>...</help>       | help file
       1    | <entry>...</entry>     | help item
            |           | ID         |   reference from template
       2    | <title>...</title>     | section header
       2    | <heading>...</heading> | subsection header
       2    | <para>...</para>       | paragraph
      2,3   | <ref>..</ref>          | internal reference
            |           | MODULE     |   reference to help file
            |           | ENTRY      |   reference to entry
      2,3   | <eref>..</eref>        | external reference
            |           | URL        |   reference into WWW

The Possible Entities and NCRs

    (( more info to be supplied ))

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