[i18n] Translation help
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Tue Nov 27 10:43:07 UTC 2007
Zitat von Joseph Yee <jyee at ca.afilias.info>:
> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Joseph Yee <jyee at ca.afilias.info>:
>>> Greeting,
>>> I'm trying to compile a brand new translation, Horde and IMP, in Tamil
>>> (UTF-8); however I don't every words translated. I looked and checked
>>> perquisites, and upgrade/install all necessary PEAR packages.
>>> Following the README at /horde/po, with horde's and imp's ta_SG.po
>>> in place:
>>> I do specify the locale and module, instead of just init, make (because
>>> I have no translation for any other module), is it not right?
>> Sorry, I don't understand. How did you create the translation if
>> you did *not* start with init?
> I had, forgot to mention.
> php translation.php init -l ta_SG
> Can I just init 2 modules instead of all?
Sure. But the more modules you translate, the better.
>>> I have the compiled mo files created and found in the module's locale
>>> directory, but all I got is English ONLY wording.
>> Do other translations work? You can also send the translations you
>> have so far to this list, so we can see if it's a general issue or
>> just something on your system.
> Other translations work. I don't compile them, they came pre
> compiled, as mo files.
Then probably something on your system went wrong. Just sent the
translations once you're finished, and I'll build them here.
> I just paste few lines, as the whole file exceeds 40K, and I'm
> writing the email from Windows, I have no gz tools. I will post the
> file soon.
> The following is po of IMP module.
Please note that it's well possible that there won't be any further
updates for IMP 4.1. You should really prepare your translations for
Horde 3.2/IMP 4.2, for which we just released the first release
Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
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