[i18n] Message not being translated

M. Rodrigo Monteiro falecom at rodrigomonteiro.net
Tue Aug 5 14:16:18 UTC 2008


2008/8/5 DrFugazi <drfugazi at drfugazi.eu.org>:
> You need to remove 'fuzzy' from line above, or simply remove this line:
> #, fuzzy

Yes, now it works.
Can you explain how it works?
I see some "#, fuzzy, php-format" too.

And I try to translate the button "Empty Spam" in the mailbox view
(link: http://server/horde/imp/mailbox.php?mailbox=INBOX.Spam&actionID=empty_mailbox),
putting in the end of the .po file:

msgid "Empty Spam"
msgstr "Esvaziar Spam"

But it still in English.


M. Rodrigo Monteiro
falecom at rodrigomonteiro.net
"Free as in Freedom, not free as in free beer"
Linux User # 403730

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