[i18n] horde-translation script issues

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Fri May 27 20:02:25 UTC 2011

> Hello,

>   i'm starting translating Horde 4 and apps and currently I have these
>   two  big  issues  with  horde-translation script, which are probably
>   related (or not).

>   1.  Seems  like horde-translation uses HORDE_BASE instead of current
>   directory  to  perform actions. This is not good in case one already
>   has Horde 4 release installed and just want to translate checked out
>   horde-git  tree  somewhere  in ~userhome. Is there a way to override

>   2.  Running  horde-translation -m horde -l locale generates horde.po
>   which  has  all the strings from all Horde apps. Probably because of
>   issue #1? If not maybe I'm just forgetting something?

Disregard  all  of  the  above. Never checked horde-translation --help
which shows --base flag exactly for that purpose. So stupid by me.

Best regards,

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