[i18n] untranslated strings

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Thu Jul 14 17:03:04 UTC 2011


Thursday, July 14, 2011, 11:31:50 AM, you wrote:

> Citējot Vilius Šumskas <vilius at lnk.lt>:

>>> horde make -l lv
>> You are probably running this command on release version, which  
>> ignores framework packages. For now you have to run horde-translate  
>> on a git tree and update/make all .po files in "framework" folder to  
>> fully translate Horde.

> yes, but in the same time - I can not locate any other .po files in  
> release - actually - I found one for timeobjects and that's all.
> So, if there are no other .po/.mo files - how it can influence running
> release version of horde webmail4 (actually - I am interested just in
> that "version" of Horde)?

Check   your   /usr/share/pear  (or  any other  folder  where  framework  is

But    as   I   said   before,   horde-translation   doesn't   support
extracting/making strings from installed framework currently. You HAVE
to use it on git tree if you you want to translate correctly.

Best regards,

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