[i18n] po-files location
je at ktf.rtu.lv
Thu Sep 1 06:44:08 UTC 2011
Citējot "E.S. Rosenberg" <esr at g.jct.ac.il>:
>>> When I open the .po files that are located in the locale directory
>>> they contain only the translated strings, so translating untranslated
>>> strings is not (easily) possible.
>> no, it is - just use the right tools - poedit, for example, which comes at
>> least in two flavours- Linux and win.
> I am using poedit.
then i do not see the problem. You just have to prepare initial .po
files for you language as described in paper on translation.
From my experience - to make the work easier I am making a copy of
directory tree containing locales in interest by running such command
(after the initialization of locale for all modules present, if
find . -type d -name 'lv' -print |xargs -I xx cp -R xx --parents -t
(lv - my locale)
after it i advice to sweep up existing .mo files in the copy of
locale-tree by running
find . -type f -name *.mo -exec rm -rf {} \;
on it.
In such way I am getting "vanilla" copy of my locale to work with.
After translation you can copy whole tree over horde installation,
compile .mo files and it is also a lot easier to submit such tree in
archive to developers for inclusion.
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