[imapproxy] Imapproxy problems

Ricardo Núñez rinunez at usb.ve
Sun Apr 27 14:28:19 PDT 2003


I'm using Linux RedHat 7.3 with all upgrades. Horde 2.2.1.

I append you attachments of RPMs of my system.

If you don't see the problem, please notify me and I'll append you other minor
modifications I've made to the code. That I will have to append you in my office
 and masking the passwords.

Thank you very much.

Mensaje citado por Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

> Quoting Ricardo Núñez <rinunez at usb.ve>:
> > When I used imaproxy "stable" version with IMP 3.2.1, everybody had
> problems
> > sending e-mails with attachments. It locked for around minutes (!!!)
> before
> > sending them.
> Was this only with 3.2.1?  I've not used it with 3.2.1, but I've had no
> problem with it on the versions I've used (after upgrading my c-client).
> > I had to leave using imapproxy until this problem will be fixed.
> Maybe with more info we might be able to find and fix the problem...
> What OS is it on?  What c-client and imap server versions?
> -- 
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!


           Ing. Ricardo Núñez
           Webmaster de la DST
           Universidad Simón Bolívar
           E-Mail: rinunez at usb.ve 
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