Fwd: Urgent ! Help Me Please

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 05 Nov 2000 17:31:13 -0500 (EST)

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----- Forwarded message from Mariswaran S <marisselva@hotmail.com> -----
    Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 16:41:26 +0530
    From: Mariswaran S <marisselva@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: Mariswaran S <marisselva@hotmail.com>
 Subject: Urgent ! Help Me Please
      To: chuck@horde.org


    I was going thru the discussion forum at http://lists.tdyc.com where
related problems were covered. My problem is as below.    

     I haveinstalled PHP3 on Apache running Unix machine. I have
installed IMAP WebMail Client 2.0.10 on the apache machine. I am running
IMAP4 ( NPlex) on a different machine. When accesing the mail site using
web front-end, i am not able to access the INBOX at certain times. The
log looks like

httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=0
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=2
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=16
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=7
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=22

Can You help me out please  ! . you are the right person !


----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Many states consider gambling so immoral that they not only prohibit private
gambling organizations, they thoughtfully provide their own.
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    I was going thru the discussion forum at http://lists.tdyc.com where related problems were covered. My problem is as below.    

     I haveinstalled PHP3 on Apache running Unix machine. I have installed IMAP WebMail Client 2.0.10 on the apache machine. I am running IMAP4 ( NPlex) on a different machine. When accesing the mail site using web front-end, i am not able to access the INBOX at certain times. The log looks like

httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=0
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=2
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=16
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=7
httpd: WebMail3 : IMAP Toolkit Crash : Bad msgno 0, mail_elt, nmgs=22

Can You help me out please  ! . you are the right person !


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