[imp] Frustrated

Michael Bull mbull@uoguelph.ca
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 09:49:57 -0500

At 07:35 AM 14/11/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Steven... Do you a short cheap sheet list of what you did to get it running
>on rh 6.2?
>I'll spend some more hours today working on it. I agree a lot may be a RH 7
>thing, coz I ran into problems with 7 that I hadn't seen with 6.1.
>Especially  on some required dependicies when trying to install everything
>via rpms..
>   I'm just working in the testing environment now, but am expected to put it
>in live setting tonight.  After much research, I really feel comfortable
>with the whole imp webmail thing, once its running . I printed out the
>documentation found on the web site and gone through the archives, but still
>seem a bit lost.
>  I already have Mysql up and running with the horde database and
>tables(thanks to the mysql_create script)... Actually, php is also working
>with apache too... Right now, I'm having trouble with imap. For whatever
>reason, the ports for imap and pop are not opening on rh 7..After  using
>phpinfo() I see that apache is imap enabled though.. The ports are
>uncommented in ect/services too. I dunno... But once thats working, I'll
>have some horde/imp questions.
>   Thanks a million for  ANY help !

Hi Tracy.  I'm running a machine on Redhat 6.2, with no problems.   If you 
can expand on the specifics of your problems a bit more, I might be able to 
help.  Looking back on the threads I last saw the your main problem was 
getting it able to let you add contacts -- is this still your main issue?