[imp] IMP 2.2.3, Eudora for MS Windows and RTF attachments

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:01:48 -0500

Quoting Richard Eames <Richard.Eames@flinders.edu.au>:

> The Eudora problem appears to be caused by eudora specifying that the RTF attachment is text/plain and relying on the disposition line to get the receiver to do the correct thing with the attachment. Any Ideas?

Well, if they tell us it's text/plain, there's not much we can do with it.
You can specify that text/plain shouldn't be displayed inline, but that'd
but out... well, the body of most email messages. Like this one. Oops.

Fix Eudora.


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