[imp] help installing 2.3

Max Kalika max@the-triumvirate.net
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 22:56:33 -0800

Quoting Troy Grady <troy@gradylevkov.com>:

> Next up, PHP  complained that it couldn't find Crypt/HCEMD5.php for inclusion
> in Horde.php, line 105.

You will need latest php4-cvs

> The instructions add the include path "/usr/local/lib/php" to the php config
> file but as fas as I can tell there are no instructions to put anything in
> there.  Something missing?

This is for php.ini so that Horde and IMP can find the PEAR libraries that you 
get when you install php4.  If you didn't compile php with --prefix=[path] then 
the default directory is /usr/local/lib/php otherwise, its the whatever [path] 
is. So set the include_path directive in php.ini to "./:/usr/local/lib/php"  
(or whatever path you specified in --prefix).

>     'folders' => 'Mail/',

The folder path for the IMAP server. i.e. UW IMAP generally looks to "mail/" 
while Cyrus and Courier put folders under "INBOX." (not the trailing dot.

>     'namespace' => '',

This is the folder path to be stripped out for presentation.  For example if 
your folder is "INBOX.imp-mail" and you don't want to see "INBOX." in front of 
every folder name, put "INBOX." in the namespace.

>     'from_host' => 'imap.example.com',

What to put after the @ when sending mail.  i.e. if you want all mail to look 
like "max@the-triumvirate.net" set from_host to "the-triumvirate.net".  It is 
generally useful when the imap host is different from the mail receiving host.

>     'to_host' => 'imap.example.com',

This is a shortcut for mail composing.  If you specify something here, it will 
be appended in the "To:" field of mail composition when the address doesn't 
contain @host part.  i.e. if this is set to "the-triumvirate.net" and when I 
compose a mail and only put in "max" in the To: field, this field would be 
expanded automagically to "max@the-triumvirate.net".
