Minor problems

Marco Antonio Vieira Assad marcova@mg.trt.gov.br
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:07:17 -0200 (BRST)


Here we are running IMP 2.2.3 for some time and it's 
extremely stable, thanks everybody for such piece of 

Well, here whe have RedHat 6.2, sendmail 8.9.3, UW imap 
4.7c, Apache 1.3.12, php 4.0.2, postgres 6.5.3. The 
same mail server runs IMP and works as an imap and smtp 
server for some Outlook clients.

Now we are facing some small problems that I would like 
to report and maybe get some help:

1) When I send a message for some user of our own 
domain and the user does not exist, IMP send a message 
back to the user and to root reporting the problem. 
Can't it just report the problem without sending 
messages back? I don't think it's a matter of sendmail 
configuration because when Outlook sends messages to 
the same unknown user, it just reports the fact in a 
separate window and doesn't send any message back;

2) When I login in IMP through remote_login.php3, it 
doesn't log /var/log/messages like a normal IMP login 

3) When I am in the 'message view' frame and try to 
navigate back and forth the messages using the two 
arrows IMP also navigates the deleted messages. I think 
it would be interesting if it discarded the deleted 
messages (jump over them).

Thanks in advance.