[imp] Imp 2.3 + Oracle 8i

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:19:56 -0500

Quoting "Hanser, Kevin" <kevin@ShopsForMe.com>:

> Sooooo.... has anybody installed Imp 2.3 with Oracle 8i as the database
> (instead of mySQL)?  I notice the docs that come w/it pretty much focus on
> mySql.  I'm assuming Imp 2.3 would still work w/Oracle..?  I can figure out
> the table creation and all, but the config file settings would have to be
> different I assume.  Any hints?
> I'm just trying to get 2.3 installed on a test system so I can look at it
> and play around w/it a little bit..

Well, everything that relies on a database should have a sql driver that uses 
PEAR's DB interface, so the oci8 PEAR driver should take care of that end of 
things. All you need to do is set up the $conf['prefs']['params'] (or whichever 
database-using components you're setting up) array with the right parameters to 
connect to your oracle database ('phptype' = 'oci8', etc - I'm not sure of the 
exact settings), and you should be fine.

I keep meaning to install oracle on my server at home, but haven't gotten around 
to it yet. Please keep us posted on progress, and if you get settings and table 
creation scripts working, would you post them to the list so we can include them 
in the docs/cvs tree?

Good luck,

Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the chicken!" - Ba