[imp] Some problems with IMP (attachemnt, ispell, wvhtml)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 23 Nov 2000 22:13:10 -0500

Quoting Thomas GUTHMANN <tom@calixo.net>:

> I'm currently tuning IMP to work correctly and it's hard work ;o)
> I'm stilling having some little problems
> 1°/. When I receive an email witch attachment, I always have one or two
> attachments with no description and multipart/mixed as below
> ---snip--snip--
> Pièces jointes
>          [pas de description]   multipart/mixed         476.32 KB
> 2      [pas de description]   multipart/mixed         475.30 KB
> 2.2  document.doc           application/msword  474.84 KB
> (source du message)
> ---snip--snip--

Can you send me an email that produces this behavior?


"I have pointy little boobs!" - Jason