bug+fix: lang preference not saved imp 2.2.3/oci8
Andrew Draskoy
Wed, 29 Nov 2000 13:01:46 -0330
imp_set_lang in the db.oci8 posted awhile ago didn't work.
The call to OCIExecute used $cursor, which has the wrong statement
encoded in it. A quick fix is to assign the result of OCIParse to
a temporary variable and hand that to OCIExecute.
db.oci8 needs a major overhaul. It appears to be a quick edit of
the db.oracle, but the OCI functions have different semantics. For
example, the free functions aren't being called and commit is called
when it is not necessary.
Is anyone working on this, or should I do it? Or is there any point -
perhaps this is gone or completely changed in 2.3?