[imp] Install problem.

Michael Bull mbull@uoguelph.ca
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 09:21:07 -0500

At 03:10 AM 04/12/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>When I install and configure imp and then try and load up the site
>(http://webmail.planetwebspace.com/horde/) the horde interface loads fine
>but when I click on the imp I get this error.
>Fatal error: Call to undefined function: page_open() in
>on line 104
>Any ideas what could be causing this problem and how to fix it?

No ideas on the problem directly, as I don't use the horde portal part of 
things -- is there any particular reason you find it desirable?  In our 
case all we want is the webmail, so I've set the document root to be 
/horde/imp -- how to do that is listed in the FAQ, if I remember 
correctly.   Our users just go to the domain name of the webmail machine, 
and they get IMP.   Does IMP come up correctly if you 
go  webmail.planetwebspace.com/horde/imp?
