[imp] Install problem.

Rich Lafferty rich@horde.org
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 10:32:21 -0500

On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 05:23:44PM +0200, Peter Peltonen (peter.peltonen@fivetec.com) wrote:
> And the story continues :) 
> 1) On the login page I still can't get the pictures right from the type-in
> boxes to be shown. In what file are the paths to these files defined?

In horde/config/horde.php3.

> 2) I just noticed a funny thing:
> In my INBOX I have a mail that's sender is me myself. Well, in the main view
> where all message's senders and subjects are listed, it doesn't show Peter
> Peltonen nor peter.peltonen@fivetec.com -- it shows the to: header. So my
> view looks like this:
> Date            From                     Subject
> 2000-11-27      Majordomo@wu-ftpd.org    Welcome to wuftpd-questions
> 2000-12-04      imp-help@lists.horde.org WELCOME to imp@lists.horde.org
> 2000-12-04      To: imp@lists.horde.org  [imp] upgrading from php3 to php4

Well, if you sent it, you *know* who it's from. :-) It's a feature,
borrowed from (for example) Pine and mutt. If you look in your
sent-mail folder, you'll see why it's useful. 


------------------------------ Rich Lafferty ---------------------------
 Sysadmin/Programmer, Instructional and Information Technology Services
   Concordia University, Montreal, QC                 (514) 848-7625
------------------------- rich@alcor.concordia.ca ----------------------