Database error (HordeDB):

Édwin Floriani
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:56:07 -0200

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My webmail was working properly, but someday when I decided to do an =
upgrade in my MySQL to version 3.23.28-gamma, my webmail broke.

Now Im running a version 2.2.3 of IMP and 1.2.3 of HORDE.

Here is the messages that appears in the page:

Database error (HordeDB): Invalid SQL: insert into active_sessions ( =
sid, name, val, changed ) values ('06d184789c23906738c920810b13d5fc', =
'HordeSession', =
yddID0gJzEnOyAkR0xPQkFMU1sncyddID0gJzEnOyA=3D', '20001218085431')
Database error (HordeDB): Session: freeze() failed.

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output =
started at /home/webmaster/phplib/ in =
./templates/ on line 8

I dont know more what can I do.. if you want do see the problem go to: =


            =C9dwin Floriani
       Administrador do Sistema
    Centro de Educa=E7=E3o Profissional
            Hermann Hering

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