[imp] Problem creating new folders

Rick Stevens rstevens@publichost.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 16:22:05 -0800

Jon Newman wrote:

> I get the error:
> "Warning: CREATE failed: Can't create mailbox node /dev/null/: File exists
> (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0"
> And I can't quite figure out why this is occuring...any ideas?

In horde/imp/config/defaults.php3, do you have anything in the
"$default->folders" variable?  The default is:

	$default->folders = 'mail/';

If so, does that directory exist in the user's home directory and
does the user have write permission for it?  In other words, if the
above value is set, the user's name is "fred" and his home directory
is "/home/fred", then you must have a directory "/home/fred/mail",
and that directory must be writable by fred:

   # ls -l /home/fred/*
   drwxr-xr-x fred fredgroup   4096  28 Dec 12:09 2000 /home/fred/mail

That could be part of it.

- Rick Stevens, CTO, PublicHost, Inc.        rstevens@publichost.com -
- 949-743-2010 (Voice)                     http://www.publichost.com -
-                                                                    -
-      I won't rise to the occasion, but I'll slide over to it.      -