[imp] ampersand in folder names?

Peter Ip peter.ip@utoronto.ca
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 09:08:57 -0500 (EST)

Hi Chuck,

Thanks for looking into this for me.

You are right about the problem being at the IMAP server. We're using
UWashington IMAP 4.7c (but we're in the process of upgrading to

We officially support several email packages, but I won't bore you with
the problems that they have.

My only (small) point now is that when I try to rename or delete a folder
with an ampersand, there is no error message indicating failure. Is the
missing error message a problem with UW IMAP, php, or IMP?

Thanks again


PS. I get a lot of users saying how much they like IMP. There was never
any such feedback for any of our other email packages.

Peter Ip, PhD
Computing and Network Services, University of Toronto
email: peter.ip@utoronto.ca

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Peter Ip <peter.ip@utoronto.ca>:
> > I'm having problems with ampersands in folder names. If a user creates
> > a folder using some other email package with an ampersand in it, IMP
> > doesn't show it in the folder list. If a user creates a folder with an
> > ampersand in it using IMP, he can't rename or delete it.
> > 
> > I'm running IMP 2.2.3, Horde 1.2.3, UW Imap 4.7c, Apache 1.3.12,
> > php4.0.3pl1.
> For the first, what specifically is "some other email package"? It may be that 
> the other program doesn't follow the IMAP rfc's and use imap-utf7 encoding on 
> folder names. For the latter (the rename problem), I can successfully rename 
> and delete folders with & in the name with IMP 2.2.4-cvs, and there haven't 
> been any changes to the folder code that I'm aware of since 2.2.3. What IMAP 
> server do you use?
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the chicken!" - Baby Blues
> -- 
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