[imp] Installation Horde 1.3.3/IMP 2.3.6 on SuSE 7.0

Carsten Guenther cguenther@guenthers.net
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 01:22:00 +0100

Jon Parise schrieb:
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 12:54:27AM +0100, Carsten Guenther wrote:
> > ok, found it in compose.php, line(s) 668 and 671: $headers['Date'] =
> > date('r'); ???
> > Why not date('D, d M Y G:i:s Z'), for example ?
> The 'r' was added in PHP 4.0.4 to generate an RFC-compatible date
> string, saving us the trouble of building one ourselves.
> IMP 2.3.6 requires PHP 4.0.4 or later.

ok, thanks.

here it is 4.0.3pl1. 


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