[imp] An IMP vs SilkyMail show stopper -- is there a work around

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 01:40:06 +0100

Quoting Rob Tanner <rtanner@cheshire.onlinemac.com>:

>IMP, on the other hand does not support IMSP, and though 
> it does support LDAP, address expansion does not appear to work via 
> LDAP.  

Does this feature work with SilkyMail? I dont think so.

> Is there a workaround?  What I need is to be able to 
> authenticate, search, and have address expansion work on the search 
> result just like it does using the contact address list.
I didnt understand the question here.

I was interested to implement the address expansion from LDAP, (only from
internal LDAP server), but havent looked into it in a while.

This can work, but need a javaapplet to be embedded on the client side which
talks to a java application (or any other tcp server). The job of the app is to
do message passing between client and server. 
Example: user types Atif in the "To" field and tabs to new field. 
Event applet.searchUsers("Atif") is triggered 
Applet(hidden 1x1 pixel) passes the message to the server.
Server replies with with 
document.forms[0].to.value="Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar@developer.ch>";
applet evals the code as javascript and the magic happens.

So far its easy.
Gets more exotic when server finds more than one result.

Server replies with something like
document.forms[0].elements["to"].type="select"; (or whatever the correct
Javascript is) and then passes the results as <option>s to this element :O
sounds good?

Yeah right!

> Is this just some pieces I'm missing, or a major enhancement request?

Best Regards

Atif Ghaffar

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