[imp] An IMP vs SilkyMail show stopper -- is there a work around

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 01:58:47 +0100

Quoting Rob Tanner <rtanner@cheshire.onlinemac.com>:

> Sorry if I wasn't clear.
> SilkyMail does expansion of the IMSP addressbook entry, not LDAP.  What 
> I need is an IMP equivalent. The IMSP server includes both private 
> addresses, much like the contacts in IMP, but also a global 
> addressbook, which IMP does not have an equivalent of other than LDAP. 
> What I need is to get the addresses to expand just like the global IMSP 
> addressbook does when users are using SilkyMail.

Can you setup a test account somewhere so we can test that functionality?

Atif Ghaffar

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