[imp] apache VirtualHost issue with imp
Terry Davis
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 02:08:04 -0600
/me heads to corner to pout.
Thanks man. I ran right over that one. Thank you!
David Sitman wrote:
> Terry,
> In your VirtualHost definition, have you aliased the horde directory with
> a line like the following?
> Alias /horde/ /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/
> David
> ----
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Terry Davis wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I got a working IMP/Horde installed. However. I want to make
>> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp the root document on my webserver.
>> SO, I made these changes to my httpd.conf:
>> <VirtualHost>
>> DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp
>> and a bunch of other stuff that I know is set up correctly.
>> SO, when I go to the root of my server, https://mail.mydomain.org, NOT
>> https://mail.mydomain.org/horde/imp, it errors out saying it cannot find
>> login.php. I poked at the errorlog and it says that I was attempting
>> to access /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp/horde/imp/login.php
>> which of course
>> does not exist.
>> There must be a directory location referenced in one of the initial php
>> documents such as index.php that is referring horde/imp to a bogus location.
>> Anyone else have any ideas?
>> Thank you!
>> Terry
>> --
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Terry Davis
Systems Administrator
BirdDog Solutions, Inc.
2102 N 117th Ave
Omaha, NE 68164
voice: (402) 829-6059
fax: (402) 829-6199
pager: (877) 973-6995
tdavis@birddog.com www.birddog.com
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Subject: Re: [imp] Feature request
i dont think it is good idea to delete all messages at once. Something
really important can be deleted. Maybe you know, there is 'mutt'
mail-reader for UNIX. It allows to delete messages by user-specified
pattern/behavior (e.g. you can delete all messages with subject 'Make
extra $$$'. If developers will have enough time... :) i'd appreciate
Best regards!
Andriy Kopystyansky