[imp] Importing addresses from outlook and messenger

Dave Wilson davew@sai.co.za
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:18:24 +0200

Mike Michael,

Thanks for the info... but where do I find these scripts you mentioned ?

Kindest regards
David Wilson
The S.A Internet

#include <std-disclaimer.h>

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Bull [mailto:mbull@uoguelph.ca]
Sent: 18 January 2001 05:42
To: imp@lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [imp] Importing addresses from outlook and messenger

At 05:09 PM 18/01/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi guys, howzit going ?
>Anyone have any ideas on importing MS outlook/express addresses into
>imp_addr ?
>I guess maybe MS access and MYODBC to import them to MySQL would work ?
>Please send me any ideas.

I did a search of the archives of the list (archives are linked off of the
horde webpage, and a good place to find a lot of answers...).
I found these scripts posted by Brian Macy some time ago.
I'm forwarding his message along with the scripts, below.

>Here's both scripts. I modified the OE one as I noticed that IMP doesn't
>fallback to the fullname if the nickname is empty. IMHO it should but for
>now I
>made the nick the same as the fullname if a nick is not specified.
>The Netscape one doesn't handle groups of contacts... I could support it
>relatively easily but it would require more work and I only have one group
>in my
>addressbook :) It might even handle multiple emails for a contact... though
>since IMP doesn't you'll end up with a contact who gets email at all
>addresses each time. Hmmm... does IMP support non-unique fullname/nickname
>Again... in perl... but in Public Domain.
>Brian Macy