[imp] binding keys to HTML form buttons

Anil Madhavapeddy avsm@horde.org
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:12:37 +0000

On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 01:11:41AM -0500, Donnie Barnes wrote:
> Given the first reason I have no idea why I'm arguing, but I will point out 
> something...in Windows, if you want to cut and paste something from one window 
> into a message that you are composing in IMP, you *have* to use keybindings to 
> do the pasting because there is no "Edit" menu in the compose window.  You can 
> use Control-V to do it.  Having that keybinding certainly enhances the general 
> user experience.  

You can right-click on the selection, and choose the options from the menu
that appears.  But that isn't the point - you're only thinking of IE for
Windows, other browsers on other OS's would impose different keybindings and
restrictions.  IMP adding to this would not help matters.

> Keybindings are faster than using the mouse.  For something people use as much 
> as a mail reader, they are a great enhancement, IMHO.

I tried putting keybindings into IMP about six months ago, and it
didn't really work very well; too many quirks and incompatibilities.
