[imp] 3 fairly newbie questions

John Bennett bennettj@thebennetthome.com
Fri, 02 Feb 2001 18:18:32 -0600

Thank you for the help.

>>> bjn@horde.org 02/02/01 03:56PM >>>
On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, John Bennett <bennettj@thebennetthome.com> wrote:

> I know some off you will want to hurt me,

Well, perhaps, but others (hopefully more) want to help you, ;-)

> 1.  I am currently running imp 2.2.3 and want to upgrade to imp 2.2.4
> without losing my current settings.  I downloaded the horde and imp
> patch files.  I started with the horde patch.  I put the patch fils in
> the directories that is currently running horde.  I typed
> ./patch-horde-1.2.3-1.2.4.  Got lots of errors.  So, I have not been
> smart enough to figure out how to get this upgraded.  Much assistance
> needed, and I promise to file away the answers.

That isn't a script or program, it's a "patch file" and you feed it into
the "patch" program.  The command-line arguments to patch depend on what
operating system you're using... a Linux distribution?  Solaris?  Let us
know and we can complete the thought.

> 2.  I have a place where I am hosting 2 separate domains.  We are
> using LDAP within the contacts feature.  When users are looking up
> other users, they see everyone that has an id on the system.  Can I
> limit what users see.  i.e. - I have user@abc.com and user@xyz.com.
> I don't want them to be able to see each other.

I don't think you'll be able to do this using any existing Horde/IMP
feature, but you could write some extra PHP code in the LDAP section of
IMP to do what you want.  Depending on how your LDAP database is
structured, you might be able to take advantage of a separate base DN for
the search for each domain to make that task easier.

Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@horde.org>
Yahoo!: Brent_Nordquist / AIM: BrentJNordquist / ICQ: 76158942

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