[imp] Attachments are getting corrupted

Anil Madhavapeddy anil@recoil.org
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 00:59:48 -0000

Plinio Barraza wrote:

> It seems I have a small bug in IMP 2.2.3 downloading attachments.  The
> attachments travel well through IMP and the internet untill one tries to
> download the attachment.  The problem does not seem to be ralated to any
> particular browser... IE, the file downloads well, but it is slightly
> corrupted.  In other words, IMP or Horde seem to be adding 4 bits of
> garbage at the begining of the attachment thereby redering it unredable.
> If one opens the downloaded attachment in a HEX editor, deletes the first
> four bits, and saves, the file is as good as new.

Wierd... could you try updating to 2.2.4 ?  Chuck gave the attachment code
quite a large overhaul, so that might cure your problem here.

You can try out the demo site if you can't be bothered updating
