[imp] Problem with devel imp

David den Boer denboer@bowdigital.ca
Mon, 05 Feb 2001 18:37:43 -0700

Here is the info from test.php. I downloaded the latest PEAR from cvs (as per
instructions in the archives) to fix another problem. For some reason,
magic_quotes_gpc won't turn off  no matter what I do to the INI file (but this
shouldn't really be a problem). I am running Mandrake 7 on a AMD K6. I have to
recompile PHP to enable-debug

Horde Versions

       Horde: 1.3.4-cvs
       IMP: 2.3.7-cvs
       Turba: 0.0.2-cvs

PHP Version

       PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
       PHP Major Version: 4
       PHP Minor Version: 4pl1
       PHP Version Classification: release
       You are running a supported release of PHP4. Enjoy the ride!

PHP Module Capabilities

       FTP Support: Yes
       Gettext Support: Yes
       IMAP Support: Yes
       LDAP Support: Yes
       MCAL Support: Yes
       Mcrypt Support: Yes
       MySQL Support: Yes
       PostgreSQL Support: No
       XML Support: Yes

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

       magic_quotes_gpc set to Off: No
       magic_quotes_gpc causes data coming from GET, POST, or COOKIE modes to be
processed so that single quotes and backslashes are prefixed with a backslash
(\'). This makes your
       email look very ugly. Turn it off.
       magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting David den Boer <denboer@bowdigital.ca>:
> > When logging into IMP using a good address or bad, I get a "document
> > contained no data" error in Netscape and a "The attempt to load
> > 'Accessing URL:http://webmail.bowdigital.ca/horde/imp/redirect.php'
> > failed" error.
> Okay - I haven't been able to produce this yet, but at least you, the demo
> site, and one other person have.
> So: if you can go to http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php and
> follow those instructions for getting a backtrace (I'm assuming that if you
> look in your apache logs, you'll see apache segfaulting), that might help us
> figure out why things are dying (and it should be submitted to the php folks so
> they can fix it).
> Other questions: what version of php are you running, what platform, etc. - I'm
> trying to nail down who might be affected by this.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "My intuitive grasp of math often leads me astray." -Me
> --
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