[imp] Installing PHP questions are offtopic

Network network@network.shacknet.nu
Wed, 7 Feb 2001 13:24:42 -0500

Mr Stein...
These seems to be an issue or two (2) with freebsd and php4.  While I
haven't seen the "user=^A"  I have seen errors in my freebsd logs showing
PHP Warnings for mysql.so & imap.so. (freebsd mod_php4 did not build the
shared objects)

Depending on what you used to install php, port,pkg -or- src  coupled with
the correct configuration options, *may* have a bearing on your issues.

Try posting what you used to install php and with what config-options myte
yield positive results.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Stein" <stein@eecs.harvard.edu>
To: <imp@lists.horde.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [imp] Installing PHP questions are offtopic

> On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Brent J. Nordquist wrote:
> > We're getting a lot of questions on this list related to configuring,
> > building and installing PHP.  I think it's worth mentioning again that
> > those are really offtopic for this list.
> I don't agree.
> Installing this package in a non-RPM way is a painful
> process. My suggestion would be that we err on the side
> of a liberal interpretation of the lists mandate.
> The few people in the world that have successfully
> installed this package can sit around and speculate
> about ways to reduce load -OR- the community can grow
> and help one another get this thing working.
> >I realize that PHP is a hurdle
> > to getting Horde/IMP installed, and I don't mind much personally, but
> > people subscribed to the Horde lists are not interested in seeing all
> > PHP traffic.
> Let these people speak for themselves. I for one am
> very interested in PHP/IMP configuration issues.
> Thank you Mr. Hagenbuch for pointing out that I was
> chasing down a blind alley.
> My phpinfo() says everything is working, so does test.php3
> (check out orvieto.eecs.harvard.edu/horde/test.php3), but
> still my imapd server receives '^A' in place of the login
> name. I'm baffled. I've read all the docs. Has anyone out
> there been able to get this package working on FreeBSD?
> I'd love to talk to you.
> Chris Stein
> --
> IMP mailing list: http://horde.org/imp/
> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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>From chuck@horde.org Date: Wed,  7 Feb 2001 13:24:58 -0500
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Subject: Re: [imp] From line creation? (2.2.4)

Quoting Marius Strom <marius@marius.org>:

> Chuck, if I may ask, I do recall you quoting addresses due to security
> issues.  Am I correct in this memory?

Yes, you are correct. It appears we'll have to reverse that; I just want to 
make sure we don't re-open any security holes when we do.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"My intuitive grasp of math often leads me astray." -Me