[imp] session timeouts
Chuck Hagenbuch
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:15:00 -0500
Quoting "Eric S. Johansson" <esj@harvee.billerica.ma.us>:
> This implies that the status bar refresh keeps running even if you have
> gone to another web site. In my experiment, I first went to my imp page
> and read e-mail. Then I went to /. and left the browser pointing there
> overnight. I then reentered the URL for my imp page and it came up right
> where I left off, e-mail readable and everything.
> As an expansion on this experiment, I shut down all copies of the browser
> running and went back to my imp page where I got the login prompt as
> expected. I'll run the overnight test again with 2.2.4.
Ah. No, in that case, most likely what's happening is that sessions are never
getting garbage collected because (I'm guessing here) no one else is accessing
this installation of IMP? If that's so, you can increase the probability that
old sessions will be collected by upping gc_probability in HordeSession in
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"We have no fuel on board, plus or minus 8 kilograms." -A NASA scientist