Strange problem with some attachments...
Dan Ellis
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 17:04:28 -0700 (MST)
I searched the imp archive, but did not find anything that helped.
With some attachments, I am unable to download or view them.
In /var/log/messages I get an "IMAP toolkit crash: Lock when already locked"
message. The messages seem to download and view ok from Outlook express, so I
am assuming that the problem lies with the IMP box. I upgraded my php to 4.0.3
(and all modules from 4.0.1) and upgraded Imp/Horde to 2.2.4/1.2.4 (from
2.2.3/1.2.3), but that does not seem to help.
I have traced the problem down to view.php at the end there is a imap_fetchbody
() call that is not returning. IMP just hangs and eventually the browser times
out with a "zero sized reply". It happens in both IE and lynx.
In error_log for apache, I am seeing a:[notice] child pid 4313 exit signal
Aborted (6)
I'm lost, any ideas? I thought this was the IE5.5 problem, but it also happens
in lynx, so...
Redhat 7, cyrus imap on different machine, what else do I need to say?
Thanks in advance.
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