[imp] Howto!

Frank Pineau frank@pineaus.com
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:17:07 -0500

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:02:54 -0500, a data storm erupted from Rich Lafferty

>On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 09:48:48AM -0500, terry071298@netscape.net (terry071298@netscape.net) wrote:
>> > > I'm interested in using/configuring imp/horde in my new configured
>> > > linux machine. Anyone has a step by step howto on how to
>> > > setup/configure IMP/HORDE...
>> > 
>> > I'm not sure why this would be surprising, but IMP comes with
>> > documentation, as do all of the programs upon which it depends.
>> > 
>> Sir,
>> I'm new using a linux boxz... I cannot follow the instruction given
>> at the (horde.org)sites. Like what other says, Horde applications
>> remain undocumented.
>Uh, no, it doesn't. It comes with documentation. Did you even *look*?
>I'm not sure who "other" is, but they're lying to you, and I think you
>forgot to check for yourself.

It sounds like he's talking about Turba, Kronos,  et. Al.  which are barely
documented.  He doesn't seem to realize that the apps don't actually exist.

The documentation for Horde and Imp seems pretty clear to me, though.  I can't
imagine why installing it on a fresh linux box is any different than an "aged"


Frank Pineau  ------------>


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