[imp] Howto!

Frank Pineau frank@pineaus.com
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 11:19:06 -0500

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 11:11:54 -0500, a data storm erupted from Chuck Hagenbuch

>Quoting Frank Pineau <frank@pineaus.com>:
>> It sounds like he's talking about Turba, Kronos,  et. Al.  which are barely
>> documented.  He doesn't seem to realize that the apps don't actually exist.
>What do you mean, they don't exist?

I meant as completed, ready-to-go applications.   At least, my understanding is
that they aren't.  The website seems to indicate that (except for IMP and Horde)
they are all in varying stages of pre-release development.


Frank Pineau  ------------>


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