[imp] database connections (specific configuration)
Brent J. Nordquist
Thu, 22 Feb 2001 06:38:27 -0600 (CST)
On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Jorge Izquierdo <jizquierdo@sgi.es> wrote:
> I only want that ehe sesions informations will be saved in different tables
> depending on what webmail is connecting but sharing the table of user
> preferences and addressbooks. Is this posible?
You haven't said what version of Horde/IMP you're using... but assuming
IMP 2.2.x, yes.
Configure the same database settings in imp/config/defaults.php3
($default->db_*) so then preferences and address books will be shared, but
configure different database settings in horde/phplib/local.inc
($database_table, at least) so that the active_sessions will be separate.
Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@horde.org>
Yahoo!: Brent_Nordquist / AIM: BrentJNordquist / ICQ: 76158942