[imp] Strange mail sending problem (it's not) (fwd)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 14:55:57 -0500

Quoting Shon Sherwood <electron@idiom.com>:

> English, and it's evaluating to "Send Message".

Okay. Now, when you click submit, is actionID set at all? Or is it just not 
getting translated to SEND_MESSAGE? If the former, then what browser are you 
using, and is anything else weird in the compose form? If the latter, then see 
why this code:

        if (strcspn($actionID, '0123456789')) {
            $actionID = isset($actions[$actionID]) ? $actions[$actionID] : 

... isn't working properly. (lines 250-253 of compose.php3, right after if 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"We have no fuel on board, plus or minus 8 kilograms." -A NASA scientist