[imp] Fwd: hordemgr passwd change help - (imp list posting problems,too)

Chris Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 15:28:32 -0600

Jerry -
> Excuse the direct mail, but my posts to list still don't work.
That's ok.

> I've tried to figure out how to change pw for user hordemgr as user root,
> but I have nothing that tells me the proper syntax, no real hints.

Mysql maintains the information in question in a table called 'user'. Or
more properly called mysql.user . You can manipulate it through the
mysqladmin interface or through mysql itself.

These steps will work:
# mysql -u root -p mysql
Enter password: **aa**

mysql> REPLACE INTO user ( host, user, password )
    VALUES (

mysql> commit;
mysql> exit

# mysqladmin -p reload
Enter password: **aa**


The REPLACE command was taken from the
horde/scripts/database/mysql_create.sql file in the horde distribution.

